2020 autumn & winter I

2020 autumn & winter I



Jane Marple
2020 Autumn & Winter
The 35th ribbon

In 2020, Jane Marple is celebrating 35th anniversary.
The 35th ribbon connected from the past to the future.
A single thought carefully and beautifully decorated beyond the depths of the mind...

〈Jane Marple〉
- Heaven's concerto No. 35 -
Lovely angels play softly in the temple looking up at a fantastic world in the sky.
The beautifully ornamented harpsichord plays solemnly « Heaven's concerto No. 35 ».
The sanctuary worldview expanded across the fabric quietly and cleanly opens up the season...

- Royal ribbon -
« Royal ribbon » is decorated with a bright and refined ribbon on the wallpaper made of the brand's monogram and Fleur-de-lis (lily flower).
With traditional aspirations as a backdrop, the company maintains a royal style with textiles that convey a strong determination...

- Memory ribbon Jacquard -
« The Memory ribbon Jacquard » is woven with graphical ribbons and logos on polyester and cupro, all yarn-dyed with high-count ground.
The series with crumpled texture and shape-memory characteristics is keeping a three-dimensional shape with padding, gathering and side tucks.
It charmingly and delightfully enhances the deep shades of chambray...

- Violin embroidery -
Please see « Violin embroidery » in the archives which is suitable for the anniversary year.
The series of delicately embroidered sound holes and strings are the best looks from season's masterpiece.
High-count bird's eye material and patterns drawn on the knit are revived in timeless classicism...

- Royal library -
« Royal library » is enchanted by stories dwelling in each object, as books and ceramics from the British royal family collection are meticulously lined up on wooden shelves.
Paying a tribute to the unwavering Royal spirit with the background of two tones of navy and dark brown...

- Regatta stripe -
« Regatta stripe » is a three-dimensional striped ribbon, woven into high-density twill double weave background.
Classic double-breasted jackets and tucked skirts are adorned with crisp Bowtie ribbon.
A handsome girl suited to the brand appears to be thinking back to the traditional boat race....

- Tartan check -
« Tartan check » has been an important link to the brand's history.
This season we propose to combine it with a gabardine coat and unique Neo traditional styles.
Enjoy your one-of-a-kind British style to the fullest, as for the first time in two years our Royal Stewart is back with a blue and purple check...

Heaven’s concerto No.35

美しい装飾でおおわれたチェンバロが厳かに奏でる「Heaven’s concerto No.35」。

Royal ribbon

ブランドのモノグラムとフルール・ド・リスを壁紙に、聡明で凛としたリボンを飾った「Royal ribbon」。

Memory ribbon Jacquard

ポリエステルとキュプラ、オール先染めハイカウントのグランドに、グラフィカルなリボンとロゴを織り込んだ「Memory ribbon Jacquard」。

Violin embroidery

アニバーサリーイヤーに相応しいアーカイブからは「Violin embroidery」を。

Royal library

木製の書棚に並んだ英国王室縁の書籍や陶磁器、1つ1つのモノに宿るヒストリーを丁寧に魅せる「Royal library」。
ネイビー、ダークブラウン2つのトーンを背景に、揺るがないRoyal spiritへのオマージュを込めて…

Regatta stripe

高密度、綾二重織りのグランドに、立体的なストライプ状のリボンを織り込んだ「Regatta stripe」。

Tartan check

ブランドの歴史とともに大切に繋いで来た「Tartan check」。

Jane Marple Dans Le Salon
〈Jane Marple Dans Le Salon〉

- Stay Traditional -
The season started with two types of T-shirts bearing the brand's message « Stay Traditional ».
Expressing a slow and relaxed feeling, the essence of the brand with sheer and shiny pleated skirts, fine cotton, fine cotton Day styles...

- Poppy Amelie - / - Ani-Rai -
We picked up two prints for this season's Liberty prints.
« Poppy Amelie » painted like dancing delightful expressed through a casual early autumn walking look.
It suggests a smocking embroidered top for the somewhat Eastern-inspired « Ani-Rai ».
Have a unique day in beautiful harmony with a plain cupro addition to the two prints tiered skirt...

- Scottish lion -
« Scottish lion » is a scarf with two colors of background of pink and sky blue lined with the unique aspect of a lion.
In calm and soft items, combined with the later Flower embroidery brings out special style of somewhat folklore mood...

- Flower embroidery -
The « Flower embroidery » is a reprint of the traditional Swiss craft of embroidery lace.
Dressing up stylishly for a gorgeous season with an overwhelming presence of textiles...

- British Rose -
« British Rose » is the small stencil style roses studded inside richly colored scarves.
With the liberty prints and tartan checks mentioned above, come hybrid looks of Nordic knitwear.
Enjoy a series in which the brand's identity is carefully placed on each item...

- Tartan check -
This « Tartan check » is digitally printed on wool.
Combining the craft fair-isle knit made of 40% Angora with the aforementioned British Rose light print.
The stylish series with strong patterns carefully connects high quality wool and enhances other fabrics...

Stay Traditional

シーズンの立ち上がりはブランドが掲げる「Stay Traditional」をメッセージに込めた2タイプのTシャツから。



Poppy amelie

踊るように描かれた「Poppy amelie」は初秋のWalking lookを愉しく表現。

Scottish lion

ピンクとスカイブルー、2色のグランドにユニークな表情のライオンをスカーフに並べた「Scottish lion」。
緩やかな優しいアイテムの中、後出のFlower embroidaryとの組み合わせは、

Flower embroidery

伝統的なスイスの工芸、エンブロイダリーレースを復刻させた「Flower embroidery」。

British Rose

こっくりとした色合いのスカーフの中にステンシル調の小さなバラが鏤められた「British Rose」。

Tartan check

「Tartan check」はウール素材にデジタルプリントを加えたアプローチで。
アンゴラ40%のクラフト感いっぱいのフェアアイルニットや、前出のBritish Roseとの組み合わせには、軽やかなプリントを。