2018 spring & summer I

A wonderful day.
With plenty of sunshine and wind,
let's have a feast for tomorrow…
Colorful flowers and fruits, 12 different kinds of packages beautifully set in "Seeds of Hope".
In addition to classic dress, this season's trend, organdy, a reversible souvenir jacket with which we can enjoy two different expressions and a hat decorated with a corsage deliver a fresh approach…
We will brighten up a start of the new season with lots of hope…
Our brand's precious icon, Ribbon.
This season we have three patterns - dots, checks and stripes - on two textiles…
The first comes "Ribbon Go Around" re-styling the past archives in today's feelings.
Rhythmically arranged print is reborn as a new style with dignified silhouette and items in airy gentleness.
Another textile is "Ribbon Jacquard Stripe" with each ribbon neatly woven.
From light setup to very playful 2 Face skirts and dress…
Lots of fun coordinating with plain items and ribbon print.
Cute Good Girl runs through the season…
The people enjoying historical and symbolic city logos and landmarks...
"Bon Dimanche" is uniquely arranged french 'good old' in a bold balance.
A precious day beautifully arranged in a pattern work of fine line of sight.
This season's pearl is this series transmitting happy fragments from the far past in today's world…
"Strawberry Field" depicted on tricolor canvas in oil-painting touch.
This season, in our inevitable Strawberry print, somewhat silent will and personal thoughts are prevailing…
Utopia calmly flowing in a cloth picture book.
Layering our wishes for happiness on each strawberry and each item…
"The Beatles" is in the air on the background of this season's theme.
We took the "Apple", The Beatles' label, as a motif and freshly arranged it in "Little Apples" with added Scandinavian essence.
A charming swinging style with a little bit casual-down smoothly swaying material will bring you lots of new wind…

Seeds of hope
色とりどりの花やフルーツ、12種類のパッケージが美しく並んだ「Seeds of hope」。

Ribbons go around
最初に登場するのは過去のアーカイブを今の気持ちにリ・スタイルした「Ribbons go around」。

Ribbon jacquard stripe
もう一つのテキスタイルは、それぞれのリボンをすっきりと織り込んだ「Ribbon jacquard stripe」。
軽快なセットアップから遊び心いっぱいの2 Faceスカートやドレス…
cuteなgood girlがシーズンを駆け抜ける…

Bon Dimanche
フランスのgood oldを大胆なバランスでユニークにアレンジした「Bon dimanche」。

Strawberry field
3色のキャンバスに油彩タッチで描かれた「Strawberry field」。

Little apples
今季のテーマのバックグラウンドに流れる「THE BEATLES」。
彼らが作ったレーベル「Apple」をモチーフに、北欧のエッセンスを加え瑞々しく並べた「Little apples」。

A wonderful day.
With plenty of sunshine and wind,
let's have a feast for tomorrow…
"Clemantis Garden", best described in floral language, "beautiful spirit" opens a new season.
Lavender and blue grey, these two cool colorings accompany Clemantis, the silently blooming queen of flowers.
We propose a romantic garden style with absolute elegance in slow gentleness…
Lyon, the second largest french city that has flourished for silk products since the 15th century.
"Croix-rousse" a card delicately depicting the history of textile and beautiful streets on the background of a symbolical lion motif.
Its beautiful silhouette has a massive presence…
A precious history woven by people, a dramatic museum emerges in a piece of clothes…
"Flower Parlour" reminds us of classical interior fabric.
Gorgeously layered textiles with many colors touch deeply a heart…
A bold print and delicate embroidery.
Our brand-like authentic cutting mixed with a contemporary salon style…
"Cut Work Embroidery" reproducing vintage embroidery technique.
Numerous baller laces decorating a cotton typewriter are finely and individually hand-cut.
Fine craftwork done with long effort delivers preciously an homage to the far old era in refreshing items…
Both of our brands deliver a rich variety of joyful accessory.

Clemantis garden
「美しい精神」の花言葉がぴったりの佇まいに、シーズンの幕を開ける「Clematis garden」。


Flower parlour
クラシックなインテリアファブリックを彷彿させる「Flower parlour」。

Cut work embroidery
ヴィンテージの刺繍のテクニックを再現した「Cut work embroidery」。