2018 autumn & winter II

As with literature or music, a new way of "dressing" and enriching your mind is now here...
〈Jane Marple〉
This season, we open with "Holy garden" series, a great presence within a beautiful worldview.
"Holy angel" captures book-loving angels chatting and playing in the sky.
A baroque "Holy library" suddenly appears in a forest under their eyes.
On the evergreen carpet lie history-inspired antiquarian books along with the flowers of the United Kingdom standing tall.
The three different types of dresses, knitwear and skirts are emotionally colored, and a delicate angel is embroidered at the chest of the sky-printed blouson...
Dress-up dramatically with a fantastic and heavenly worldview...
"British stripe" features winter traditional style with monogram logo embroidered jacket, skirts, and dresses.
The masculine textile along with its dignified boarding school style,
this series combines the brand's elegance and philosophy for a "good girl" look.
In a merry, adorable "Strolling cat", cats, who look like they just sneaked out of picture books, patrol the town.
The two relaxing textiles and the bright colors paint the season...
The patchwork and the tape work on the plain fabric magnify the scene on the graphical skirt and adds a vintage feel to the look.
Enjoy a charming style to go along with your smiles with fair aisle and weaving knitwear.
Classical trimming frames a table cloth where 10 different boxes are beautifully arranged in "Royal chocolate".
Each box is an homage to the British royal family and tells the history the brand has told.
From items characterized by its prints to the delicately embroidered knits, blouses, dresses with unique motifs...
We end this season with our hearts full of thoughts for Her Majesty.

Holy garden
読書好きな天使達が楽しいおしゃべりの中、天空に遊ぶ「Holy angel」。
眼下に拡がる森に、突如現れたバロック様式の「Holy library」。

British stripe
冬のトラッドスタイルはモノグラムなロゴ刺繍を飾ったジャケット、スカート、パイルアップカラーのドレス等の「British stripe」。
ブランドならではの品格とフィロソフィーを併せたgood girlなシリーズを…

Strolling cat
絵本の中から抜け出してきたような猫達が楽しく街をパトロール、愉快な表情が愛らしい「Strolling cat」。

Royal chocolate
クラシカルなブレードで縁取られたテーブルクロスに10種類のBOXが美しく並んだ「Royal chocolate」。
今シーズンのフィナーレも”Her majesty”への想いを胸いっぱいに掲げて…

For this brand, we start with "Queen's forest" where the queens enjoy hunting in the forest of the British nobility, drawn with a classic and delicate touch.
The emblems placed around the scene and the accented color framing the fabric evoke the royal spirit.
Dress-up dashingly with a strong-willed "glorious lady" on both items - 2 types of skirts and 3 types of dresses.
"Nordic knit" is a vintage-taste lambswool lineup.
Short zip-up, a remake dress with tartan - intersecting fond memories and modern sentiments, having fun with a new kind of nostalgia...
The bold, three-dimensional "Roving check" features 2 colors - green and navy.
The two expressions of a military mix and classical lady style unfold on the voluminous textile.
The thorough pattern work on warm, yet high-fashion look embellish the season as it ends.
Wool gauze and botany wool were felt for this lyrical "Refine" series.
Wool lace-decorated skirts and dresses, over-sized tabliers, coats, and stoles...
Cotton lawns used as a lining fabric soften the look.
The innocent layered look unique to this season - clean and beautiful layers...
This winter's Liberty prints are "Poiret" and "Hilda" on cupro cotton.
Enjoy a rich daily style coordinating with a skirt and a dress combining two different flower prints, and a pile twill duffel coat with the prints used as its lining.
This season, the brand finishes with "Multiple lace" - a dress featuring various laces playing with beautiful depths and shadows.
As an item requested every season, it has been thoroughly designed to its details to send its owner to the new season of creativity.

Queen’s forest
深い英国貴族の森で狩猟を楽しむ女王達を、クラシックで繊細なタッチで描いた「Queen’s forest」から。
2タイプのスカートと3タイプのドレス、どちらのアイテムも強い意志を併せた”glourious lady”を颯爽と装って…

Nordic knit
ヴィンテージテイストいっぱいのラムウールの「Nordic knit」。
ショート丈のzip upやタータンチェックとのリメイクドレスも、懐かしい記憶に今の気持ちをクロスして、新しいノスタルジーを思いっきり楽しんで…

Roving check
立体的で大胆な「Roving check」はグリーンとネイビーの2色をpick up。


Poiret & Hilda

Multiple lace
ブランドのシーズンフィナーレを飾るのは様々なレースが美しい奥行き感、陰影を彩る「Multiple lace」のドレス。