2016 autumn & winter Ⅱ

"Bonne journée Hôtel" is a memory of a nostalgic happy travel decorated with ten luggage labels. From light mini skirt, travel dress to decoupage skirt with tartan check scraps, we propose a nostalgic and charming college style coordinating with bright-color stadium jumpers and cricket sweaters…
Grosgrain ribbons disposed on tweed with the changing surface. This season's theme and our brand's logo are encrusted with gold pigments in "Theme Logo Ribbon". On the calm-tone ground, real-touch depicted mystic classicism. A silent and beautiful series with a strong will expressed in a firmly tightened ribbon…
The mannish textile recalling England's Savile Row is put into a girlie trad style and presented in two series… The material with flano and thin lines woven together is used in "British Stripes" coordinating with half pants, jackets and dress with impressive chemical-lace collars. Jumper skirts and long dresses with wool suit fabric sophisticatedly trimmed with velvet ribbons and line tapes are presented as drastically innocent "Dormitory Style". With our precious thoughts about 31 years of our brand, "STAY TRADITIONAL"…
“Royal Flag” with European military flags from the 17th century to the 20th century dynamically disposed. A historical series with our present wish for a peace expressed on the firm faith confined in each flag. Dressed with the lively fresh wind and Elgar's march in the heart…
"Precious Frames" with six symbolic motives neatly emerging on the classical wall papers. Cedric blouse, pleated skirts and square dresses…. The homage for England that our brand has been spinning will be delivered in the excellent series decorating this season's final collection…

Bonne Journée hôtel
懐かしく楽しい旅の思い出を、10枚のラゲッジラベルで飾った「Bon Journée Hôtel」軽快なミニスカートからトラベルワンピース、タータンチェックにスクラップしたデコパージュスカート。ブライトカラーのスタジャンやクリケットセーターを合せて、ノスタルジックでチャーミングなカレッジスタイルを…

Theme Logo Ribbon
表面変化の有るツイード地に並べたグログランリボン。今季のテーマとブランドのロゴを、ゴールドの顔料で鏤めた「Theme Logo Ribbon」落ち着いた色合いのグランドに、リアルなタッチで描かれた不思議なクラシシズム。ギュッと結んだリボンに強い意志を感じる寡黙で美しいシリーズに…

British Stripes
フラノに細いラインを織り込んだ素材では、ハーフパンツからケミカルレースの襟が印象的なジャケットやワンピースの「British Stripes」。

Royal Flag
7世紀から20世紀迄のヨーロッパのミリタリーフラッグを、ダイナミックに配置した「Royal Flag」其々のフラッグに込められた確かな忠実に、今在る平和への願いを重ねた、ヒストリカルなシリーズ。エルガーの行進曲を胸に溌剌とした新しい風をまとって…

Precious Frames
クラッシックな壁紙に、6種類のシンボリックなモチーフが整然と浮かび上がる「Precious Frames」。セドリックブラウス、タックスカートにカーディガン、そしてスクエアドレス…

"Traditional Stripes" woven with polyester high count yarn as warp and cupra as weft into fine jacquard. We start this deep season with high-quality outer on top of a series as lyrical as Michael Nyman's beautiful melodies…
"Arabesque Scarf" is traditional motives depicted humorously in vivid colors. Combining rectangular shapes like a puzzle on a scarf with our brand-like gracious pattern works. Make it into a sophisticated playful style of happy winter mixing knit parts and different materials…
For this season's Liberty print we picked up "Juniper". Inspired by mysterious Eastern dance, precious oriental poppy flowers dance dynamically…
Enjoy winter's sweet time with the print depicting flowers freed from anything combining with mohair long cardigans and knit coats…
"Vintage Circle Jacquard" weaving lovely old geometric patterns onto the black and navy bicolor ground. A semi-formal series with dignified expressions on an elegant beautiful silhouette…
"Fantasia Tweed" with precisely depicted fruits and flowers on the England's representative check tweed. We dramatically decorate the deepening season with inkjet-like fake fun and our brand-like playfulness.

Traditional Stripes
「Traditional Stripes」。マイケルナイマンの美しい旋律を感じるLyricalなシリーズに上質なアウターをまとって、深いシーズンの幕開けを…

Arabesque Scarf
伝統的なモチーフをユーモラスな表現と艶やかな発色で描いた「Arabesque Scarf」。

今シーズンのリバティプリントは「Juniper」をpick up。神秘的な東洋のダンスからインスパイアされ、貴重なオニゲシの花がダイナミックに踊る…

Vintage Circle Jacquard
ブラックとネイビー2色のグランドに愛らしいオールドの幾何柄を織り込んだ「Vintage Circle Jacquard」。

Fantasia Tweed
英国を代表するチェックのツイードに精密なタッチのフルーツやフラワーを透過した「Fantasia Tweed」。インクジェットならではのフェイクな楽しさに、ブランドらしい遊び心を乗せて、深まるシーズンをドラマティックに彩ります。